
How to fit to page in word 2010
How to fit to page in word 2010

how to fit to page in word 2010

To auto-adjust table width to the text, choose AutoFit Window. This will fit all of your columns to the text, or if the cells are empty, the page margins. To auto-adjust column width, choose AutoFit Contents. Click on your table and select AutoFit in the Layout tab.How to Use Auto-Fit to Automatically Resize the Table To resize multiple rows or columns, select the columns and click on Distribute Columns or select the rows and click on Distribute Rows.You can also manually type in the length if preferred. To resize individually chosen columns or rows, click on the cell and then adjust the height and width inside the ribbon by clicking the up or down arrows next to the corresponding adjustment.By clicking on Layout, the ribbon allows for size adjustments.By clicking on Design, the ribbon offers various ways to style your table.Simply click on your table and new tabs will appear along with the standard ones.Below the Cell Size section, click on Distribute Rows or Distribute Columns.Select the columns or rows you want to adjust and click on the Table Layout tab.How to Make Multiple Rows or Columns the Same Size

how to fit to page in word 2010

Drag the column boundary until it reaches the width desired.Click the table you want to adjust and place your cursor on the column boundary until the icon pops up.

how to fit to page in word 2010

  • Drag the row boundary until it reaches the height desired.
  • Click the table you want to adjust and place your cursor on the row boundary until the icon pops up.
  • Extend the table boundary until the table is the desired size.
  • Click the table you want to resize and place your cursor on the lower-right corner of the table until the diagonal arrow icon appears.
  • Click the View tab, and in the menu ribbon select Print Layout or Publishing Layout.

  • How to fit to page in word 2010