
Bootstrap in visual studio
Bootstrap in visual studio

bootstrap in visual studio bootstrap in visual studio

To create this file, see How to: Create a Package Manifest.Īfter these files are created, put the product manifest file into a folder named for the custom bootstrapper. A component must have at least one package manifest for each localized version of that component. The package manifest, package.xml, contains language-specific metadata it typically contains localized error messages. To create this file, see How to: Create a Product Manifest. This contains metadata common to all the localized versions of the redistributable component. The product manifest, product.xml, contains any language-neutral metadata for the package. To create a bootstrapper package, you have to create a product manifest and, for each localized version of a component, a package manifest as well. To see an example of creating a bootstrapper package, see Walkthrough: Create a custom bootstrapper with a privacy prompt. You can generate the bootstrapper manifests by using the XML Editor in Visual Studio. Otherwise, if all the prerequisites are detected, the bootstrapper just starts the application installer. Second, after the end user accepts the license agreements, the installation begins for the prerequisites. If prerequisites are not installed, first the bootstrapper shows the license agreements. The bootstrapper first detects whether any of the prerequisites are already installed. A bootstrapper package is a group of directories and files that contain manifest files that describe how the prerequisite should be installed. Each redistributable component, or prerequisite, that appears in the Prerequisites dialog box for ClickOnce is a bootstrapper package. It is programmed through a set of XML manifests that specify the metadata to manage the installation of the component. The installer is also known as a bootstrapper. The Setup program is a generic installer that can be configured to detect and install redistributable components such as Windows Installer (. Applies to: Visual Studio Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio Code

Bootstrap in visual studio